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Musaios: Payment Instructions

Until you register the software, by obtaining from us a registration number which is matched to your name, the software will "nag" you. After you register, the registration name will be displayed while you are running the program. The price of registration depends on whether you wish to register to an individual name (e.g. "John Smith") or an institutional name (e.g. "Mid State University Department of Classics").

Individual registration:

Registration for an individual registration name (the name of a specific person) is $80 if the program is obtained via the Internet. To obtain an installation CD-ROM [recommended], which also includes a Latin Word Index and Keyword-In-Context Concordance files for each Latin and Greek author, the registration is US$95.

Institutional registration (site license):

If the software is to be registered to a university department, library, museum, etc., the site-license price is applicable. You may install the software on the as many workstations as is convenient for you, for a fixed price of $350. If you like, you may try out the software by registering it to an individual, and convert to a site license by paying the difference of $270. Shipping and handling is waived if a site license is purchased, and you will be able to download free upgrades for three years from the date of registration. An installation CD-ROM will be shipped, which includes Latin Word Index and Keyword-In-Context Concordance files for each Latin and Greek author.

How to pay by credit card:

We can now accept payment by MasterCard, Visa and American Express.
Please FAX the following information to: +323 417-4792

  • E-mail address
  • Type of registration desired [individual or institutional] [electronic only, or with shipment of disk and manual]
  • Credit card number
  • Expiration date
  • Cardholder name and billing address, including postal code
  • Shipping address, if applicable and if different from billing address

  • FAX the above information to the secure FAX server at +323 417-4792 [or mail it to the address at the bottom of this page].

    How to pay by check or money order:

    If you wish to pay by check, we can only accept payment in U.S. dollars, payable to Musaios via a check or International Postal Money Order. Almost every non-U.S. bank has a U.S. affiliate and can easily obtain a check in U.S. dollars drawn on the affiliate. In German this sort of check is known as "Auslandszahlungsauftrag". Please pay the bank service charge yourself; do not deduct it from the amount remitted. And specifically, we cannot accept "Eurocheques"

    Please send a separate letter with shipment instructions and registration names. Often the banks do not provide any explanation enclosed with the check.

    Universities and similar institutions may send purchase orders and pay when the software has been received.

    If you need a pro-forma invoice, send E-mail to ddumont@musaios.com, or write to:

    Musaios c/o Darl J. Dumont
    840 Oneonta Drive
    Los Angeles, California U.S.A. 90065-4125
    FAX +323 417-4792

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